There are many challenges faced by the oil and gas industry in detecting methane leaks. The most challenging leaks are those originating from high-elevation storage tanks, where it's difficult to detect the source. However, advances in technology are making the process easier. One promising innovation is the deployment of sensor-equipped cars and even drones that are capable of scanning large areas using various technologies such as infrared cameras and sensors.
These technologies have been used for years to detect large methane plumes, though they can also identify very small leaks that may otherwise go unnoticed. While early detection methods were difficult to apply, the technology behind these sensors can help companies identify the sources of the leaks and respond accordingly. They are also designed to be more reliable, sensitive, and provide more accurate data on leaks and air composition.
A methane leak can be a serious problem for both the commercial and industrial sector. Not only do methane leaks pose a serious health risk for plant operatives, but they also damage the reputation of a company. In order to minimise the damage caused by these accidents, it's important to identify hotspots and protect infrastructure. While methane is naturally present in the atmosphere, it can become a danger when concentrations increase as they do during a leak event. The presence of methane in the air can lead to explosions and ill effects.
While methane leak detection technologies are relatively cheap and easy to deploy, the main challenges are finding reliable, high-quality sensors and the specialised training that may be required for staff. These devices detect methane leaks along pipelines and other gas management and transportation systems, and can help nip them in the bud. Innovative companies are working on improving their methane sensors and making them versatile, easy to use, and safe for all kinds of commercial and domestic applications.
The use of sensor technology can help utilities and commercial operators to detect leaks before they become serious. Portable units can pinpoint the exact location of a leak so that repairs can begin immediately, though stationary units are ideal for environments such as warehouses. Monitoring is also useful for measuring methane concentrations over time.
Surface emissions can be monitored easily, providing accurate data that can help utilities maintain cost-effective and safe operations. Other potential sources of methane emissions are also monitored with the help of sensors. By using these devices, a methane sensor can be used to help determine where methane emissions are coming from and other information such as the flow rate.
If you are wondering: what is the leak rate for natural gas? We’d like to say it’s zero. Ideally, no natural gas will leak from systems at any time, but this is unrealistic and some level of leakage can be expected in most instances. The acceptable leak rate does vary depending on whether the source is domestic or commercial, but a leak rate of 0.000 5 m3/h per m3 of space is generally acceptable in well ventilated areas. If possible, your system should be as leak-proof as you can make it, and you should always address any leaks that crop up, even if you believe them to be small.
The use of leak detection devices is a crucial part of the overall solution to methane leaks, but methane detection has long been a challenging issue. The sheer number of potential sources and the lack of inexpensive technologies have made the problem difficult to resolve. The government has advocated the use of infrared cameras as the best option to identify methane leaks.
Gas safety experts note that these sensors are effective in identifying methane sources, and in fact, the detection of methane emissions from a pipeline is the most important step to stop methane pollution. As well as leaks from a pipeline, it is also possible for leaks to develop in other parts of gas storage and transportation lines, so all areas must be adequately covered by natural gas leak detection systems. By doing so, you can better guarantee the health and safety of your engineers and technicians, as well as protecting environmental and public health. Find out more about how QED can help with natural gas leak detection.